28 June, 2009

伍佰: 太空彈巡迴演唱會─香港站 27/06/09

伍佰: 太空彈巡迴演唱會─香港站 27/06/09

伍佰對香港人來說並不熟悉, 原因很多。

伍佰並非不知所謂的《偶像派》,沒有太多的包裝,靠的是實力:技術的實力, 吉他彈得呱呱叫;頭腦的實力,做的曲好聽之余做的歌詞一樣好。是晚又彈又唱, 足三小時, 誰人能及?!

伍佰除了台語外,語文很差勁, 限制了他。因為市場,他大部分的歌都是國語歌。 咋聽可能會因為不習慣口音,覺得他唱得一般;但其實細聽下,他節奏拿捏得准,唱得很直接,那才是搖滾的精神!

伍佰有太多的歌是作給別人唱的。 是晚他唱了很多首作給萬芳,張學友,譚詠麟等的歌,但我最喜歡的是迪克牛仔的那一首。

通常沒有實力或體力的歌手才請眾多嘉賓。是晚伍佰有莫文蔚, 但不幸的是, 好像帶來的是冷場,沒有還好一點。

樂隊 China Blue 不用說了, 是頂尖的。 全場和伍佰合作得天衣無縫,有一種難求的有來有往的感覺, 效果遠勝一般所謂頂尖但是是湊合的樂隊。對我來講, 單聽樂隊就夠了。不幸的是,有兩個不知所謂的舞者,很是礙眼, 更是敗筆。

紅館祗開了三邊,約七八成滿,氣氛越晚越好,到后來依依不舍地不肯離去, encore 了好幾次。

演唱會實況 (蘋果日報)

伍佰訪問 (蘋果日報)

伍佰 Youtube MTV

24 June, 2009


出版∕香港中華書局 (library: 739.1 1087)

前幾天在書局看到了一本新書,是香港日治時代集體回憶錄, 好像叫什麼《忍聲吞語》的。查了圖書館,沒有, 就到香港歷史書堆裡隨意翻翻。 看到這一本充滿了圖片的書,就借了回家解饞。

關於內容及作者介紹, 請看香港中華書局網上資料

沒聽說過作者王鋼。肯定的是,不是香港人。或因如此,也或因英文能力問題,盡管作者做了不少的研究,書裡還是出現不少的紕漏, 其中頗多為中英對照問題。 這個出版社與編輯都有責任。

雖然作為歷史書未能盡善,作為一本容易看的香港文化探索和消閑書卻是不錯的。大量的圖片甚為可觀, 對當年消閑及文化活動的描述也頗具趣味性。最好的是,此書可以隨便翻翻,一樣可以得到樂趣。下面隨意提提幾個我覺得有趣的片斷:

--有關斯義桂戴愛蓮在香港的義演 (pg 201-2)。


戴愛蓮 Biography.

斯義桂為中國第一個國際級的名男低音,我有他 RCA mono LP (BSO/Munch/Berlioz) 及 Mercury CD (Paray/Mass) 的錄音。

斯義桂 Discography, 斯義桂 Biography and soundclips.

--寄生虫 Schistosoma Mansoni 的蛋 (上中图) 我在顯微鏡裡看過不少,也知道 Manson 是熱帶醫學名家, 卻不知道他也就是牛奶公司的主人 (pg 92)。

1930 年,娛樂戲院引進了遠東第一部有聲電影放映機, 1928 年美國 Western Electric 的產品 (pg 194).

06 June, 2009

In Memory: David Carradine and Kung Fu

In Memory: David Carradine and Kung Fu

The year 1972 was when I arrived in New York City. The city was bewildering and utterly foreign to this teenager raised in HK. Although adaptation took years, I soon voraciously took up American television. What amazing offerings, and a hugh number of old movies late night.

One of the most intriguing TV shows in that era was Kung Fu, and I was an avid follower. It starred David Carridine, who recently died an unnatural death in Bangkok. I don't know whether this TV series was ever shown in HK. So a little synopsis taken from a wikipedia entry :

"...In the late 19th century, Kwai Chang Caine虔官昌 (David Carradine) is the orphaned son of an American man and a Chinese woman. He has been raised in the Shaolin Monastery, and trained by the monks to be a Shaolin master.

In the pilot episode, Caine’s beloved mentor and elder, Master Po, is murdered by the Chinese emperor's nephew, and Caine retaliates by killing the nephew. In order to avoid execution for his crime, Caine flees from China to western America, where he seeks to find his half-brother, Danny Caine.

Although it is his intention to find Danny while avoiding notice, Caine's training as a priest has instilled in him a sense of social responsibility, forcing him repeatedly to come out into the open to fight for justice. After each such encounter, he is compelled to leave to stay ahead of the emperor's assassins..."

The quirky show is an amalgram of three main elements: (1) the old western, with its dusty border towns, corrupt officials and inevitable triumph of justice over evil; (2) kung fu, newly popular in the West, with all the pacifist philosophy behind the martial arts; and (3) the loner and fugitive in search of justice, and more.

For those interested in more details, here is a Kung Fu website with details on every episode.

The show was completely different from anything else. Sometimes it was tranquil to the point of boring; other times the pseudo-Eastern philosophy was a bit tacky. But it was appealing to me for its humanity and its Chinese element. Remember, this was from the era of "make love, not war". Today, it would be hard to imagine an American TV show with such a heavy Chinese element. Like Marco Polo's Travels, it makes one wonder if humans have progressed.

The fugitive element means each episode is tinged by sadness, the inevitable separation at the end looming large even when kindred souls first meet and love germinates. It also means there are guest stars in every episode. From the wikipedia entry above I found out two musicians who are familiar to hifi fans have guest-starred: Cannonball Adderley (he died soon after) and Jose Feliciano, . Here is a little youtube segment:

01 June, 2009

5.31 游行 之 歲月無情

5.31 游行 之 歲月無情

前一陣子,本來不知所謂的傳媒卻提點了我, 已經 20 年啦。 我感覺到歲月無情。

20 年前六四, 身在美國,為這事流下了第一次的眼淚。 稍后,和女友剛好去台灣路經香港, 有幸參加了畢生難忘的游行。最近,看到了一些當時營救學生領袖的內幕, 感嘆今天影圈名人, 與昔人故人情操之別。 曰:歲月無情。

昨天游行,天空裡祗有污染,沒有空氣, 再加上流感,與當年游行的環境, 可說是天淵地別。曰:歲月無情。

為所謂的經濟埋沒良心,更埋沒當年赤子之心 (可惜的是 身邊的音響發燒友不少就是這樣) 曰:更是 歲月無情。